Valsar blästerNo interruption on the activities at our production facilities in Mariestad and Traryd.

Business at UW-ELAST’s production facilities in Mariestad and Traryd is still ongoing and we currently see no obstacles in the way for continued production. It should be noted that the development and effects of the COVID-19 are impossible to fully predict. UW-ELAST is keeping up to date on the development of the virus and recommendations from WHO and the Swedish government and will act accordingly.

UW-ELAST took action already in the virus’ early stages by ordering home raw materials and essential tools for us to be able to stockpile for a longer time. The materials are kept in storages inside of Sweden’s national border or already at our production facilities.

We will continuously inform if the current situation changes.

Production continues at a high pace

We are currently maintaining our production at a high pace without any interruptions or reason for worry.

To prevent a rapid spread of the disease within our company, as well within society, UW-ELAST has altered routines and implemented a couple of safety measures:

  • We have split up the workforce into two teams with separate break- and lunch hours to reduce the effects of rapid spread.
  • Personnel without a direct connection to the production get to work from home due to this method being suitable for our business.
  • We have charted the potential effects on UW-ELAST if decisions would be made to close pre- and elementary schools. We will not be strongly affected by such a decision.
  •  We’re avoiding business trips abroad as well as within Sweden’s borders. There must be exceptional reasons for us to currently travel within our service.
  • We strongly recommend our personnel to avoid going abroad on private trips.
  • We’re avoiding all external visits to our production facilities as much as possible and replace these with Skype/Team-meetings..
  •  We inform our personnel about the importance of good hand hygiene and wariness around eventual symptoms.

We stand prepared for a general spread of the virus in our society and have made the judgement that we can deliver products at the same level of quality even during a more difficult time.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us